Engineered for You, by Science


Accelerate Your Fat Loss With Each Shine!

Explore the transformative power of Red Light Therapy as it seamlessly integrates into your wellness routine, assisting your journey towards weight management. Red light therapy penetrates beneath the surface, encouraging the body's natural processes that support fat reduction and muscle toning. By aligning with the body's intrinsic mechanisms, it creates a conducive setting for enhancing metabolic activity and facilitating body sculpting efforts.

Define Your Figure

Try it Risk Free: 90-Day Money Back Guarantee

Highest Quality Lights at the Best Prices in the U.S. & U.K.

3-Year Warranty on the whole Solis Spectrum Series™️

FREE Shipping across the U.S. & U.K.

Engineered for You, by Science

Trusted by 1,000+ customers

Accelerate Your Fat Loss With Each Shine!

Explore the transformative power of Red Light Therapy as it synergies with your sleep routine to revolutionise rest. Red light not only facilitates deeper, more restorative sleep, it amplifies the body's natural rhythms, supporting a reset of your circadian cycle. Experience the benefits of falling asleep faster, enjoying more profound rest, and waking up recharged.

Define Your Figure

Try Risk Free: 90-day money back trial

Highest Quality Lights, Lowest Prices

3-Year Warranty

FREE Shipping across the U.S. & U.K.

Engineered for You, by Science

Trusted by 1,000+ Customers

Accelerate Your Fat Loss With Each Shine!

Explore the transformative power of Red Light Therapy as it seamlessly integrates into your wellness routine, assisting your journey towards weight management. Red light therapy penetrates beneath the surface, encouraging the body's natural processes that support fat reduction and muscle toning. By aligning with the body's intrinsic mechanisms, it creates a conducive setting for enhancing metabolic activity and facilitating body sculpting efforts.

Define Your Figure

Try Risk Free: 90-day money back trial

Highest Quality, Lowest Prices

3-Year Warranty

FREE Shipping across the U.S. & U.K.

as seen in:

Ignite Your Metabolism today!

Discover how red light therapy has become a useful tool for thousands on their weight loss journey towards optimal body sculpting...

Mandy, 35

“Weight loss aid is now my favourite benefit of red light therapy!”

“I’ve incorporated a red light/infrared into my daily routine, making it a point to exercise immediately after each session. Having done my weight loss regime of intermittent fasting plus exercise with and without red light therapy, I am now a proponent of red light therapy to assist in weight loss and general mental & physical well being.”


A study specifically targeted abdominal girth using a combination of three wavelengths of low-level laser, including red and infrared. The study involved females who each underwent a total of 12 sessions during the course of the study. The results showed significant reductions in upper, middle, and lower abdomen size, with all of the study participants experiencing positive results

Mandy, 35

“Weight loss aid is now my favourite benefit of red light therapy!”

“I’ve incorporated a red light/infrared into my daily routine, making it a point to exercise immediately after each session. Having done my weight loss regime of intermittent fasting plus exercise with and without red light therapy, I am now a proponent of red light therapy to assist in weight loss and general mental & physical well being.”


A study specifically targeted abdominal girth using a combination of three wavelengths of low-level laser, including red and infrared. The study involved females who each underwent a total of 12 sessions during the course of the study. The results showed significant reductions in upper, middle, and lower abdomen size, with all of the study participants experiencing positive results

Mandy, 35

“Weight loss aid is now my favourite benefit of red light therapy!”

"I’ve incorporated a red light/infrared into my daily routine, making it a point to exercise immediately after each session. Having done my weight loss regime of intermittent fasting plus exercise with and without red light therapy, I am now a proponent of red light therapy to assist in weight loss and general mental & physical well being.”


A study investigated the effects of 635 nm to 680 nm red light therapy on subjects' waistlines, with treatments spanning eight sessions over four weeks, each lasting 30 minutes. Without any changes in diet or exercise habits, subjects experienced an average waistline reduction of 2.15 cm (8/10ths of an inch). These findings suggest that red light therapy can promote fat loss from cells independently of diet and exercise.

Get results like these


Increase in Insulin levels comapred to control group


Inch lost off the waist for participants in 4 weeks


Greater reduction in fast mass than control group

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

Red light therapy is loved by these experts...

Bart Wolbers



“My conclusion is that red light therapy for fat loss certainly helps big timeAnd also, it's best combined with exercise therapy, which is among the gold standard for helping people to lose fat, because the red light therapy helps recovery there too and magnifies your gains.”

Bald man with blue eyes smiling in front of a light background.

Bart Wolbers



“My conclusion is that red light therapy for fat loss certainly helps big timeAnd also, it's best combined with exercise therapy, which is among the gold standard for helping people to lose fat, because the red light therapy helps recovery there too and magnifies your gains.”

Ari Whitten



“Please note that red/NIR light therapy doesn’t actually burn off the fat by itself. The mechanism appears to be that it causes the fat cells to release their stored fat into the bloodstream where it can (potentially) be burned for energy. One still must be in a calorie deficit to have actual fat loss. Nevertheless, this technology can be used to greatly accelerate loss of overall body fat, and even “stubborn fat” from fat areas that normally are resistant to being burned off – for men, this is the lower abdomen and love handles, and for women, the hips and thighs most typically, or belly fat.

Dr. Hamblin



“Red light stimulates hormone-sensitive lipase, an enzyme dependent on cyclic AMP. Photobiomodulation, integral to light therapy, reportedly increases cyclic AMP levels, thereby enhancing mitochondrial function, metabolic shifting towards oxidative phosphorylation, and ATP synthesis. These biochemical shifts activate the crucial enzyme, fostering fat breakdown. The current scientific consensus is shifting focus towards photobiomodulation’s definitive role in augmenting cellular metabolism.”

Define Your Figure

We're providing medical-grade solutions to enhance fat burning, supported by science, accessible from the comfort of your own home...

Define Your Figure

Weight Management Support

Red light therapy (RLT) has shown promising results in supporting weight loss management by improving cellular metabolism, reducing inflammation, and regulating insulin levels.

Studies highlight these advantages, positioning RLT as a non-invasive, drug-free option for aiding weight loss efforts. This method presents a powerful adjunct to conventional strategies for weight management, offering a natural route to enhance metabolic health and support insulin regulation, crucial for controlling weight.

Fat Burn Enhancement

Red light therapy (RLT) is gaining acclaim for its ability to assist in burning fat by energising fat cells to release their contents. It works by stimulating the mitochondria within fat cells, increasing ATP production, which in turn can boost metabolism and encourage the breakdown of fat cells.

This method stands out for its gentle, non-invasive approach to fat reduction, offering a desirable alternative to more aggressive fat loss methods. Scientific research supports its effectiveness, making RLT a promising option for those looking to enhance fat burn in a natural and accessible way.

Have fat loss related questions? Get answers...

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 */

Engineered for You, by Science


Accelerate Your Fat Loss With Each Shine!

Explore the transformative power of Red Light Therapy as it seamlessly integrates into your wellness routine, assisting your journey towards weight management. Red light therapy penetrates beneath the surface, encouraging the body's natural processes that support fat reduction and muscle toning. By aligning with the body's intrinsic mechanisms, it creates a conducive setting for enhancing metabolic activity and facilitating body sculpting efforts.

Define Your Figure

Try it Risk Free: 90-Day Money Back Guarantee

Highest Quality Lights at the Best Prices in the U.S. & U.K.

3-Year Warranty on the whole Solis Spectrum Series™️

FREE Shipping across the U.S. & U.K.

Engineered for You, by Science

Trusted by 1,000+ customers

Accelerate Your Fat Loss With Each Shine!

Explore the transformative power of Red Light Therapy as it synergies with your sleep routine to revolutionise rest. Red light not only facilitates deeper, more restorative sleep, it amplifies the body's natural rhythms, supporting a reset of your circadian cycle. Experience the benefits of falling asleep faster, enjoying more profound rest, and waking up recharged.

Define Your Figure

Try Risk Free: 90-day money back trial

Highest Quality Lights, Lowest Prices

3-Year Warranty

FREE Shipping across the U.S. & U.K.

Engineered for You, by Science

Trusted by 1,000+ Customers

Accelerate Your Fat Loss With Each Shine!

Explore the transformative power of Red Light Therapy as it seamlessly integrates into your wellness routine, assisting your journey towards weight management. Red light therapy penetrates beneath the surface, encouraging the body's natural processes that support fat reduction and muscle toning. By aligning with the body's intrinsic mechanisms, it creates a conducive setting for enhancing metabolic activity and facilitating body sculpting efforts.

Define Your Figure

Try Risk Free: 90-day money back trial

Highest Quality, Lowest Prices

3-Year Warranty

FREE Shipping across the U.S. & U.K.

as seen in:

Ignite Your Metabolism today!

Discover how red light therapy has become a useful tool for thousands on their weight loss journey towards optimal body sculpting...

Mandy, 35

“Weight loss aid is now my favourite benefit of red light therapy!”

“I’ve incorporated a red light/infrared into my daily routine, making it a point to exercise immediately after each session. Having done my weight loss regime of intermittent fasting plus exercise with and without red light therapy, I am now a proponent of red light therapy to assist in weight loss and general mental & physical well being.”


A study specifically targeted abdominal girth using a combination of three wavelengths of low-level laser, including red and infrared. The study involved females who each underwent a total of 12 sessions during the course of the study. The results showed significant reductions in upper, middle, and lower abdomen size, with all of the study participants experiencing positive results

Mandy, 35

“Weight loss aid is now my favourite benefit of red light therapy!”

“I’ve incorporated a red light/infrared into my daily routine, making it a point to exercise immediately after each session. Having done my weight loss regime of intermittent fasting plus exercise with and without red light therapy, I am now a proponent of red light therapy to assist in weight loss and general mental & physical well being.”


A study specifically targeted abdominal girth using a combination of three wavelengths of low-level laser, including red and infrared. The study involved females who each underwent a total of 12 sessions during the course of the study. The results showed significant reductions in upper, middle, and lower abdomen size, with all of the study participants experiencing positive results

Mandy, 35

“Weight loss aid is now my favourite benefit of red light therapy!”

"I’ve incorporated a red light/infrared into my daily routine, making it a point to exercise immediately after each session. Having done my weight loss regime of intermittent fasting plus exercise with and without red light therapy, I am now a proponent of red light therapy to assist in weight loss and general mental & physical well being.”


A study investigated the effects of 635 nm to 680 nm red light therapy on subjects' waistlines, with treatments spanning eight sessions over four weeks, each lasting 30 minutes. Without any changes in diet or exercise habits, subjects experienced an average waistline reduction of 2.15 cm (8/10ths of an inch). These findings suggest that red light therapy can promote fat loss from cells independently of diet and exercise.

Get results like these


Increase in Insulin levels comapred to control group


Inch lost off the waist for participants in 4 weeks


Greater reduction in fast mass than control group

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

🔆 Torch Stubborn Fat With Light

Red light therapy is loved by these experts...

Bart Wolbers



“My conclusion is that red light therapy for fat loss certainly helps big timeAnd also, it's best combined with exercise therapy, which is among the gold standard for helping people to lose fat, because the red light therapy helps recovery there too and magnifies your gains.”

Bald man with blue eyes smiling in front of a light background.

Bart Wolbers



“My conclusion is that red light therapy for fat loss certainly helps big timeAnd also, it's best combined with exercise therapy, which is among the gold standard for helping people to lose fat, because the red light therapy helps recovery there too and magnifies your gains.”

Ari Whitten



“Please note that red/NIR light therapy doesn’t actually burn off the fat by itself. The mechanism appears to be that it causes the fat cells to release their stored fat into the bloodstream where it can (potentially) be burned for energy. One still must be in a calorie deficit to have actual fat loss. Nevertheless, this technology can be used to greatly accelerate loss of overall body fat, and even “stubborn fat” from fat areas that normally are resistant to being burned off – for men, this is the lower abdomen and love handles, and for women, the hips and thighs most typically, or belly fat.

Dr. Hamblin



“Red light stimulates hormone-sensitive lipase, an enzyme dependent on cyclic AMP. Photobiomodulation, integral to light therapy, reportedly increases cyclic AMP levels, thereby enhancing mitochondrial function, metabolic shifting towards oxidative phosphorylation, and ATP synthesis. These biochemical shifts activate the crucial enzyme, fostering fat breakdown. The current scientific consensus is shifting focus towards photobiomodulation’s definitive role in augmenting cellular metabolism.”

Define Your Figure

We're providing medical-grade solutions to enhance fat burning, supported by science, accessible from the comfort of your own home...

Define Your Figure

Weight Management Support

Red light therapy (RLT) has shown promising results in supporting weight loss management by improving cellular metabolism, reducing inflammation, and regulating insulin levels.

Studies highlight these advantages, positioning RLT as a non-invasive, drug-free option for aiding weight loss efforts. This method presents a powerful adjunct to conventional strategies for weight management, offering a natural route to enhance metabolic health and support insulin regulation, crucial for controlling weight.

Fat Burn Enhancement

Red light therapy (RLT) is gaining acclaim for its ability to assist in burning fat by energising fat cells to release their contents. It works by stimulating the mitochondria within fat cells, increasing ATP production, which in turn can boost metabolism and encourage the breakdown of fat cells.

This method stands out for its gentle, non-invasive approach to fat reduction, offering a desirable alternative to more aggressive fat loss methods. Scientific research supports its effectiveness, making RLT a promising option for those looking to enhance fat burn in a natural and accessible way.

Have fat loss related questions? Get answers...